Tuesday, October 7, 2008

E-Holiday Brochure

LEVEL : Form 1

TIME : 35 minutes

AIMS : To gather information about places of interest in Malaysia; practice using adjectives to describe places.


One computer per group of 2 – 3 students, with an Internet connection and a Web Browser.

Website: http://www.goborneo.com/discoverer/mulucaves.htm


  1. Browse for sites related to Mulu caves.
  2. Check selected site for any grammar error before lesson.


  1. Invite students to share about interesting places that they have visited in Malaysia. Write name of places on the board.
  2. Ask students to describe briefly what they remember most about those places. Jot down descriptions on the board.
  3. Instruct students to access the given website address (URL) and read through the brochure on Mulu.
  4. Inform students that they need to read through the e-brochure and fill in the blanks on the worksheet given.
  5. Students note any new words that are unfamiliar to them and try to figure out the meaning with the help from peers and teacher.
  6. When students have completed the worksheet, they should be able to talk about Mulu National Park and provide factual information about the place.
  7. If time permits, students try to locate other websites related to interesting places in Malaysia by choosing any places that they want to explore.
  8. Tell students to prepare a mind map of their own related to the place of interest, using facts that they have obtained from the websites explored.
  9. Students can paste the mind maps on the notice board.


Izaham Shah Ismail said...

Nice worksheet.
Activity appropriate for form 1.
Maybe you could ask them to create a brochure for other places in Sarawak or in Malaysia using Microsoft Publisher.

LP 6.5/10, Presentation 3/5

salina said...

i love ur blog! so kawaii! anyhoo, omedetou na. ur lesson plan. hontouni useful in 2 classes for 2 different types of teachers - i.e. history and english. in fact, with a wee bit of translation, confirm can use in kelas BM kaaaan?