Monday, August 18, 2008

CALL/CALLT Website Evaluation

Q1: According to the website's description, which can be found at the bottom of the homepage, the website is aimed at the ESL (English as a Second Language) learners, followed by those EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners as well as the native speakers of the English Language. I find it to be interesting because it accomodates to beginners by having a section called "Easy Things For Beginners", where users who are new to the language as well as the website might want to start off doing easier tasks before exploring and advancing to a more comprehensive level.
The difference (just a reminder of the terms)

  • ESL: those learning English within an English speaking country
  • EFL: those learning English within a non-English speaking region
  • Native Speakers: whose 1st language is English Language
Q2: There is a menu bar on the left-hand side of the website which clearly outlines the preferred topic which users might want to explore. For instance, if I am interested to look into sentence pattern, all i have to do is just click on the 'Sentence Pattern' category and activities related to the sentence pattern will be ready for users to choose from. Most of the activities are very interactive because it involves games and as I went through the activities, I had fun and was eager to explore other features on the website. If a user wish to look into other categories, all he/she has to do is to click on the menu located at the top-center of the website, where there would be a drop-down menu available for the ease of users to explore the website faster. The navigation is simple enough for a user to manipulate the content of the website in their quest to learn the English Language.

Q3: As I have mentioned above, the website is simple and easy to use. A user just have to know how to get to he website, using the mouse to point at the preferred category and click their way to fun learning! However, there are several learning content which require certain applications before a user is able to move forward into learning using this website. For instance, the listening and hearing practice requires RealAudio before the content can be assessed by users. Other contents such as the Podcasts/Songs/Jokes section requires Flash 4 or a newer version in order to view its content which include digital media files. java-enabled browser is also one of the application needed for some of the activities. Thus, a user who is not familiar with downloading files or installing program might find it difficult to assess some contents of the website.

Q4: Honestly, I have to admit that what I have learned during my CALL class for the past few weeks had some similarities to the activities in this website. E.g.: The MS Word activity & HotPotato program.
The beginners activity which involves some drag and drop exercise, matching activity as well as arranging word in the correct order really remind me of the tihngs that I have done during my CALL lessons. It was really meaningful because I finally get to relate things that I have learned in class to things that I do on my own outside the classroom. Though it may sound too simple for some people. as for me, I truly enjoyed the exercises and activities.

Q5: I think that this question on what setting will the website best used in is somehow quite subjective. I have to say that it really depends on the competency of the user. Competency here refers to the English proficiency level as well as the how good is the user's computer skills. For example, if the user is competent in the English Language and understands every bit of then content of the website, BUT do not possess any computer skills, he/she might find it difficult to assess the website. The same goes for those who may be very good in computer but do not possess good command of the English Language, he/she may find it difficult to understand the content of the website. In short, a teacher is needed to guide these type of users.Thus, assuming that a person is competent (both in English+Computer), then only this website is best used in an independent study lab.

Q6: I would say that this website is based on the Behavioristic CALL theory. This is because I can see a lot of drills and repetition exercises for users, conglatulatory messages as well as tracking of scores when a learner achieves the right answer. This is perhaps to reinforce the motivation of the user and in a way 'transforming' a computer to what a real teacher might say to a real student in a real classroom situation. I am not sure if this is a Communicative CALL website due to the fact that there is no discussion involved when doing the exercises. However, I personally think that this website does stimulate critical thinking when going through the exercises and contents.

Q7: Gardner's Multiple Intelligence
There are 6 multiple intelligences outlined by Howard Gardner. Now this is what I feel could be accomplished through this website. I feel that the user can achieve Linguistic Intelligence and Intrapersonal Intelligence. I do not know if everyone agrees, but here are my views on these two intelligences. As for Linguistic Intelligence, the website helps users to learn languages and perhaps after a period of timen, helps users to effectively use the language. All that matters is the degree of this Linguistic Intelligence- whether it is achieved at a high, medium or low level. On the other hand, Intrapersonal Intelligence is directed more towards understanding oneself and appreciating one's feeling such as motivation. Earlier on, I have mentioned that this website contents conglatulatory messages and tracking of scores which are closely related to motivation in learning. Thus, this website may in a way instill Intrapersonal Intelligence in a person and helps user to grow more positively as a person.

Vygotsky's Constructivist Theory
Vygotsky intoduced Social Constructivism theory in learning. Logically, I think that we can rule out Social Constructivism because the only elements most likely to be involved during learning through this website are Computer and the User. Perhaps a teacher might get involved but this still does not help to achieve the social constructivism process. Thus, Vygotsky's theory is not applied to this website.

Q8: Master vs Slave. I feel that there is no one ultimate answer to label the computer as either one of those. In my opinion, the role of computer is interchangable. It does not stick to one role only because it may rapidly change, depending very much on the context surrounding it. Quite ironic i think, due to the fact that it takes over our daily activities but could never be a Master without us operating it. Unless, if there is a Robot computer in the future! So, i guess that it is more of 'an obedient servant to students'. We click and we direct our own learning. In short, we need the computer to learn and the computer needs us to handle it. :)

Q9: Would i like to use the website in my future work? YES because now I find it interesting and perhaps NO in the future because there might be other more advance website coming up! So I'll just wait and see.

Q10: I think that the website should include some communicative elements where users get to interact with other users (via forum, e-mail or online discussion/conference) as this would help learners to feel that they a part of a learning community and not just a user out of many other users of the website.

Prepared by: Emily Mabel Livan Michael (2004327268) 190808 1625hrs